Impro relics…

I had heard about them while reading Keith’s newsletters. Keith says in one of them that it is humbling to know that your market value is only one fourth of your partner’s…

Everyone thought they were lost. But somehow, the topic came up during the break at a Loose Moose show this summer. And luckily, Loose Moose’s possibly biggest fan ever, Doug Wong, was around.

So, being the incredibly kind person he is, he took us to his place (which is just awesome, by the way). Doug has an actual 1960’s diner at his company’s headquarters! He offered us some coca-cola and brownies, and searched through his stuff (which he has a lot of). And he found them. The original Loose Moose Trading Cards.

The cards have a picture of the player on front and their TheaterSports statistics on the back. Masks have their own cards (and I suspect that some of them are still around at Loose Moose today)… There are even card for a giant snake, Executioners and Death! And the shows: Live Snake-and-Ladders? I want to see that!

I’ve taken pictures of the cards (not all of them) and uploaded them here:

Check them out!

And here is Doug (with Dawn, who also participated in the Ten Days With Keith workshop) showing us the cards (and his awesome diner):

[dailymotion x764th]

Sorry for the crappy sound… Anyways.

Talking with Doug about Loose Moose’s good old days and looking at the cards made me wonder about how much that theatre must have been an extraordinary place and how much fun people must have had there. I mean this is the place where people came up with the idea of having trading cards for theatre performers. It kind of makes me nostalgic, but it’s really inspiring too! Places like that are pretty rare, I think. So thanks Loose Moose, and thanks, Doug!

And I think I was pretty lucky because I got to see another awesome theatre at the end of that summer. But that’s another story…


  1. Bertrand GRANDIN Avatar
    Bertrand GRANDIN

    A part aimé les gens, je ne vois pas ce qu’il y a de plus immense; Oui, c’est dur et y arrivé peut-être un bel objectif mais, ça se passe ailleurs c’est sûr?
    BG before BCG or BCBG or or

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