Umbilical Brothers et Marcel Marceau, le mime

Mastering mime and sound effects can bring an impressive sense of realism to our improvisations. And for that, I believe a good inspiration would be the Umbilical Brothers, who are truly masters in this category. Enjoy.

[youtube yn_IZul0PKM]

I could not end this post without mentionning of course the death of Marcel Marceau. This is a tragedy for the worldwide community of actors and performers. Chrisophe Tournier, in a tribute to him on his blog, pointed out two beautiful videos of him and his work. Many great actors and performers have recently left us. It feels as if they still had so much to teach us…


  1. Jill Bernard Avatar

    Ian! Thanks so much, I have never heard of the Umbilical Brothers before. They’re wonderful!

  2. Nicolas Avatar

    Enfin de nouveaux post sur ça manquait. ..

  3. Ian Avatar

    Jill, you are SO welcome!


  4. Ian Avatar


    Et oui, c’est vrai que ça manquait. Moi aussi ça me manquait!

    A plus!


  5. Finpoil Avatar

    Vidéo superbe, en effet.
    Bravo pour ton déménagement réussi, et longue vie à ton blog!

  6. Art-Lover Avatar

    Marcel Marceau was an incredible mime, here is a famous video performance: The tango dancer!
    Enjoy! 🙂

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