Robin Williams, l’insanité légalisée

Robin Williams

I’m a huge fan of Robin Williams. At this year’s TED conference, he supposedly saved the day by doing a 10 minutes improv after the staff failed at managing some technical issues. I’m impressed by his awareness. A guy coughs, he reacts. He uses everything that’s on stage with him. A beautiful improviser…

Link is here :


Et dans cette vidéo, Robbin Williams explique le concept d’insanité légalisée qui semble l’habiter à chaque fois qu’il monte sur scène…

[youtube 6vV6Vvk0srs]


  1. Martin Avatar

    I love the “thank you so much… How much ?” part at the end of the hijack.
    Quite elegant.
    And the characters, and their accents.
    And the reactivity.
    And, above that all, the fluid flow he has and the confidence he inspires to everyone. Watching him, you could truly think this little game could last hours.
    Thanks for sharing Ian !

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