…ou “Comment développer ses compétences narratives en improvisation théâtrale”. Dans Impro For Storytellers, Keith Johnstone définit pas moins de 17 façons spécifiques différentes de tuer une histoire : Bloquer (Blocking) Etre négatif (Being negative) Etre peureux (Wimping) Annuler (Cancelling) Imiter (Joining) Bavarder (Gossiping) Activités convenues (Agreed activities) Repousser (Bridging) Eluder (Hedging) Dévier (Sidetracking) Etre original…
Les “classiques” – L’interview
2 min read
Il y a au théâtre, des scènes “classiques”. Il y a bien sur les grands textes qui ont traversé le temps et dont certains passages sont si célèbres qu’ils sont devenus classiques. J’essaierai d’en poster sur le blog pour servir d’inspiration, mais ce n’est pas de ce genre de scènes dont je veux parler aujourd’hui.…
Le Tao du Micetro (Maestro)
2 min read
Amen ! TAO OF MICETRO by Sean Hill Heroes of Comedy Principal #1 – The Show Is For The Audience First and foremost a Micetro show is for the audience. Living by this principle means the needs of the audience are put ahead of the needs of the improvisers. The show is not for the…
Ken Burns, le pouvoir des histoires
1 min read
[vimeo 40972394] “The best stories are about ‘One plus one equals three’.” “We all think that an exception is going to be made in our case and we’re going to live forever. Being a human is actually arriving at the understanding that that’s not going to be. Story is there to remind us that it’s…
William Faulkner, la peur comme point de départ
3 min read
[youtube fxM0C7zjoAc] I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work — a life’s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did…
Les retours classiques post-spectacle d’impro
2 min read
Jouez au Bingo post-spectacle d’impro : imprimez cette feuille et c’est parti ! La liste : “C’était sympa.” “Il y avait une belle énergie.” “Il y avait des choses intéressantes.” “Il y avait de beaux univers.” “Ton personnage était sympa.” “Le présentateur était drôle !” “Il y avait une belle complicité.” “Machin(ne), là, il(elle) est super mignon(ne) !” “Ouais,…
Jim Carrey, le comédien
1 min read
[youtube 1A7lVzHttRY]
Arthur O’Shaughnessy, les rêveurs de rêves
1 min read
We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams;— World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems. Ode, from Music and Moonlight (1874) – Arthur O’Shaughness
Orson Welles, se répéter
1 min read
Q : A critic who admires your work very much said that, in The Trial, you were repeating yourself… Welles : Exactly, I repeated myself. I believe we do it all the time. We always take up certain elements again. How can it be avoided? An actor’s voice always has the same timbre and, consequently, he repeats…
David Fincher, prendre ses responsabilités
1 min read
“What you learn from that first [film] – and I don’t call it ‘trial by fire’; I call it ‘baptism by fire’ – is that you are going to have to take all of the responsibility, because basically when it gets right down to it, you are going to get all of the blame, so…