Le Tao du Micetro (Maestro)

Amen !

by Sean Hill
Heroes of Comedy

Principal #1 – The Show Is For The Audience
First and foremost a Micetro show is for the audience. Living by this principle means the needs of the audience are put ahead of the needs of the improvisers.

The show is not for the host.
The show is not for the improvisers.
The show is not for the directors.
The show is for the audience

Principal #2 – The Scoring Is For The Audience
The scoring exists because the show is for the audience. Scoring scenes is pleasurable for the audience. If the show was for the improvisers, there would be no scoring and no eliminations.

Principal #3 – Micetro by Nature is Unfair
Micetro is not intended to be fair to the improvisers. The best player does not always win Micetro. Good players often get eliminated early.

Principal #4 – Only One Player Can Be Micetro
When you play Micetro you are most likely going to get eliminated. It is part of the show. The show is for the audience.

Principal #5 – The Audience Likes to See Bright Happy People on Stage
It makes the audience uncomfortable if they think you feel bad about being eliminated. Stay happy, especially when getting eliminated. Stop sending off danger signals that everyone in the room might get eaten by lions.

…la suite ici : http://forum.austinimprov.com/viewtopic.php?t=2765

Également intéressant, Keith Johnstone’s Maestro One Sheet : http://forum.austinimprov.com/viewtopic.php?p=110347

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