
  • Michael Gellman is the head of The Second City New York program, and has directed at The Second City Chicago since 1980. He has been my teacher for the Improv 1 class. [dailymotion x63kc0]

  • Susan Messing is a director and actress. She teaches and performs at The Annoyance. Bill Arnett is also an actor and director. He teaches and performs at iO Chicago. [dailymotion x63k9u] PS : Sorry for the very poor quality of the video and sound. I’m taking these videos from my Olympus Stylus 1030 SW, which…

  • Le spectacle est un duo d’impro joué par Susan Messing et un invité chaque semaine. Cette semaine, il s’agissait de Bill Arnett, de l’équipe de Harold très réputée 3033. Les scènes s’enchainent sans suggestion du public à part une seule en début de spectacle, et ne sont pas connectées entre elles. Les scènes commencent en…

  • Jill Fenstermaker is part of iO Revolver team and Cornwallis from Chemically Imbalanced Comedy. [dailymotion x63k6b]

  • Harold night

    I was really excited by the Harolds at iO when I came here. Until wednesday, I had seen two Harold shows at iO. Basically, two student teams and one “veteran” team each present a Harold, and can gather for games between the Harolds. Here’s a video of iO : [dailymotion x63j46] The teams I had…

  • Nancy Becket is my teacher in Comedy Writing 1 at the Second City Summer Immersion. The class has been a real pleasure and full of discoveries. Here’s her secret. [dailymotion x63k2y] Je n’avais jamais fait de Comedy Writing avant. J’ai eu du mal à connecter avec la matière, mais je me rends compte à quel point…

  • [dailymotion x638vs]

  • I went to see “Bad Touch : Unsavory Improv” and “Davy Dickrocket” at The Annoyance on tuesday night. Bad Touch is quite possibly the most disturbing show I have ever seen in my life. The team is a two men, one woman group and the show is basically unrelated freeform and very disturbing short scenes.…

  • La première chose qu’on nous a dit en arrivant au Summer Immersion Program c’est : « Volez nous et ramenez tout ça chez vous ». C’est ce que je vais faire. Pour le cours d’improvisation, mon professeur est Michael Gellman. C’est un metteur en scène qui a une grande ancienneté à Second City (plus de…

  • Mark Sutton

    Mark Sutton is an amazing teacher. I had the chance to sit in as a guest in his Annoyance Level 4 Class and even participate in it. It was basically scenes, scenes, and scenes. The main idea we guideline was to « React emotionnally to what is happening ». With that in mind, we just did scenes,…