
  • Joe Janes writes and teaches at The Second City. He has been my Comedy Writing 2 teacher. [dailymotion x66nf0]

  • Mick Napier is The Annoyance’s artistic director. [dailymotion x65kg3]

  • Jennifer Estlin is The Annoyance’s owner and executive producer, and also performs at the Theater. [dailymotion x65kdx]

  • Triple Feature (Annoyance) is a show where is presented the work of new directors, in the form of short 30 minutes plays. Show 1 dealt with going to the Church, n° 2 with freaks, and n° 3 with obesity. I really liked the show because they presented unusual and daring stage pictures. For example, hearing…

  • Andy Miara is the Director of the Second City Touring Company. [dailymotion x65kcp]

  • Fishnutz et Chicagoland sont deux spectacles d’improvisation présentés à Annoyance. Pour Fishnutz, j’ai vraiment été impressionné par le degré de sincérité des personnages. Ils prenaient le temps de poser la scène. J’ai aimé la manière dont ils liaient les scènes: ils commençaient immédiatement la nouvelle scène, sans même avoir à changer de position, et sans…

  • The Best of Second City is actually a show of Second City’s touring company. Scenes were disconnected, unlike other shows, there is no unifying theme. Some scenes I remember : A senator sleeping with an intern The divorced family sketch The obsessive mother A hilarious pictionary scene, A nun with dirty songs, A very short…

  • Del Close is still watching over the iO Theater. [dailymotion x65keo]

  • Rachael Mason performs on the all-woman team Children of A Lesser God at iO and is also the head of iO’s taining program. [dailymotion x64onp]

  • 3033

    The team of veterans presents a piece where scenes are played one after the other and grow into one big story. They might be flashbacks, or simply illustrations of what is being explained in the current scene. They presented some very daring stage pictures. The opening was one guy in the desert, silent, but with…