Scenes with robots

During writing class at Second City, one of the exercises was creating characters based on various “triggers”. My friend Kristen from Philadelphia created a robot. This made me realize that I have NEVER seen an improv scene with a robot in it, even in science fiction scenes. Or a scene between robots.

This is something I am definately bringing back : scenes with robots.

What about you ? What do you NEVER see in improv scenes ?

Oh and about robots : I already talked about Flight of the Conchords, but check this out. And please check out Story Robot, which is an awesome improv blog.


  1. Martin Avatar

    Hey, Ian.
    It seems to me that we already experienced such a scene in the “Nous” show.
    But it also seems to me that the scene was a bit crappy, so you could have written “I have NEVER seen a GOOD improv scene with a robot in it”.


  2. Ian Avatar

    I don’t remember that scece…

  3. Nabla Avatar

    We did at least two scenes with robot with my other group, 6 Pieds sur Terre…

    I don’t remember either the scene you’re talking about, Martin.

    But I remember a scene done during a Match (it was not us), with a guy playing a robot and repeating to a doll that he finally decapitate ‘s’il-te-plait’, ‘tu veux être mon ami?’…

    But yes, bring it with you! It’s always interesting!

    Oh, and I think your French group misses you too.

  4. Ian Avatar

    Yes! The robot scene. But it was actually an “automate”, not an actual robot in my mind…

    And it’s obvious you guys at 6 Pieds do Robot scenes because you have dancers in your group, and obviously they allknow the robot dance…

    I want too see a scene with robots talking about their miserable conditions as slaves, or their impossible love with a human, or…

  5. Martin Avatar

    Wasn’t there a scene about a bottling company in the future ?
    With two prisoners and one robot escaping the prison-factory ?

    (What an innovative and flabbergasting intrigue…).

  6. Finpoil Avatar

    When I want to see some good sci-fi scenes from my students (with robots with metaphysical problems, Ian!) I teach Jules Vernes, Philip K. Dick and Jodorowsky.
    You certainly want something more than just two R2-D2 talking about their oil problems. Robots with minds and personal insight, that rocks!

  7. Ian Avatar

    Vinny: “I put a wig on you, and I just laid there and spooned you.” Priceless…

    Finpoil: Yes! Robots with metaphysical questions that just bounce our humanity back at our face! Oh, the irony!

  8. Kristen Schier Avatar

    wow – – i feel even more special now.

    once you go robots you never go back.

  9. Ian Avatar

    Of course you’re special…

  10. Ryan Avatar

    Ca m’étonne que t’aies jamais joué de robots… 😉

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